Ohsawa’s nigari is naturally and traditionally extracted from sea salt and then sun dried. It brings out the sweet and flavorful taste of soybeans and allows your tofu to maintain its firm shape. Tofu is a complete source of dietary protein, providing all of the essential amino acids needed in the diet. Nigari is the solidifying agent needed for homemade and hand-made tofu and consists of magnesium chloride, with some magnesium sulfate and other trace elements, after the salt has been removed from sea water. It helps thicken the soybean milk and the soybean curd is then squeezed and pressed into its solid form of tofu. Nigari helps your tofu maintain a firm and silky texture. One pound of soybeans, made into soymilk and coagulated with 3 teaspoons of nigari, will yield approximately 3 1/2 to 4 pounds of fresh tofu. Also excellent for the beverage nigari-sui, which is prepared by dissolving ¼ to ½ teaspoon of nigari in 1 liter of water. This beverage is valued in Japan for its rejuvenation and detoxification properties. Mainly used in the macrobiotic diet, the isoflavones in soybeans have been linked to a range of health benefits.
1 month ago
1 month ago