Size:Large Left Feature Supporting knee joint by triple surronding AIDER knee support Type 2 gives strong support and stability by triple supporting. It is effective for exercising, rehabilitation, after surgery, stronger supporting, holding. Special fixture and anti-slipping silicone Newly designed knee support fixture gives you stability as well as flexibility.Also anti-slipping silicon is minimalizing slipping. Material Applied high quality material for better feeling and functioning There are a lot of requirements in such a small support. If you wear it for long time, it is also easy to sweat or make prickly heat.AIDER always tries to apply better material and reduce side-effects by material. ☞Air prene, Power net, 38mm, Elastic rubber band, Spandex, anti-slipping silicone are applied. Please be noted. We have five-type-knee supports. Type 1, 4 - Supporting ACL Type 2 - Giving pressure Type 3 - Correction of bowleg or genu valgum, Giving stability to arthritis patients Type 5 - Supporting PCL
4 days ago
3 days ago