TOOLS. ORACUL: Orula is the only orisha that possesses Ifa's divination secrets, does not go down to the head and only communicates through its oracles, which are the Ekuele and the Ifa Board with the Ikines.The EKUELE: is a chain from fourteen to sixteen inches long, formed by beads set with Metal links The beads have metals and seed peels or jicotea carapachos. The ATÉ OR IFA BOARD is a round table for divination, it is a wooden circle about 14 inches long. It has a carved edge on the wood and four points marked at the ends of two perpendicular diameters. They represent the four corners of the world, the four cardinal points, (the north is obbatal, the south is oddua, the east is changó and the west is echu.) ATRIBUTES: Its receptacle are two halves of güiro representing the sky and the earth, which can go inside a wooden batch. Its attributes are two hands of Ikines, an ota, a cedar board, the board (Opón Ifá or Até Ifá), a carved horn (Iropha), an Iruke (horse tail), the okpele or rosary of Ifá, the Chiefá or Orula powder, a brush to clean the board, an Iddé, the collar and the mallet collar. Their Elekes are made alternating green and yellow beads. COLLARS: With alternate yellow and green beads. The handles or iddé carry the same beads in the same arrangement. Both are received with the foundations of the orisha, at the consecration ceremony of this deity, which lasts three days in cases of hand of orula and co fa. ATTENTION TO ORULA:Orula should go in a high place in the house. To attend Orunla should be done with each new moon, smeared mucus butter on the left hand and honey on the right, rub his hands and hand passed to Orula (to the ikines or seeds two in two). While this is being done, two candles are lit up. And he is asked as you give his breath to him, ask for firmness and that your mind should have
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