Product description Take care of your skin with this special pack focused on treating dark spots. This night routine helps unify skin tone with a powerful combination of moisturizing and clarifying active ingredients. By using this pack we will avoid the appearance of spots throughout the year. The synergy of its innovative active ingredients offers us a 360º action capable of acting in the 5 main phases of the skin pigmentation process. Contains: * Renewing booster * Antioxidant serum * Depigmenting cream Ingredients Ácido hialurónico, Vitamina C, Centella asiática, Cola de caballo, Tomillo, Retinol, Ginseng, Cardo mariano, Pie de león, Extracto de trigo, Extracto de alfalfa, Rábano;Boerhavia Diffusa, Hypoxis, Rosa de Mosqueta, Ácido Kójico, Vitamina E, Extracto de raíz de Malvavisco, Extracto de Jenjibre, Extracto de Bardana ;Glicerina, Extracto de piña, Vitis Vinifera, Extracto de pasiflora, Extracto de manzana, Extracto de Flor de Centuria, Árnica, Extracto de Rusco, Castaño de Indias, Extracto de Papaya
3 weeks ago
1 week ago