Goddess Maa Bhairavi maintains the fifth significant position among all the ten Dus Mahavidya's. Maa Bhairavi is also known as Tripura-Bhairavi, Bala Bhairavi or Kala-Bhairavi. She is an incarnation of learning and reasoning, bravery and blessings carrying a compassionate and kind smile on her face. Maa Tripur Bhairavi is represented graphically as the consort of Bhairava, referred as Shubmkari. She is beneficial to people with moral excellence and dreadful for people possessing negative qualities. Creation and destruction is the phenomena of nature which exists everywhere in the form of Bhairavi. Tripura Bhairavi is the controlling goddess of this crumbling world. The tantrik sadhna of Tripur bhairavi is beneficial for exercising control over sensual desires and for individuals overall spiritual growth.
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