These tropical-scented crystals are a necessary component in maintaining a clean pet environment; every time your cat steps, the crystals will activate and work as a litter box deodorizer to create a wonderfully fresh and hygienic litter box. This litter box odor eliminator is non-toxic and totally safe and pet-friendly, so you do not have to worry about exposing your kitty to chemicals. Plus, the litter crystals are water-soluble, so they disintegrate over time, leaving no residue or mess. With the clever design and innovation of our Vibrant Life Litter Box Deodorizing Crystals, kitty cleanup just got easier! Vibrant Life Litter Box Deodorizing Crystals, Tropical Breeze: Dissolves over time Conceals strong, unwanted smells Powerful formula is completely non-toxic and safe for pets Releases a light tropical fragrance every time your cat goes Moisture-activated crystals help to absorb moisture and eliminate unwanted smells upon use without residue To use Vibrant Life cat litter crystals, fill cap with crystals, and sprinkle them evenly over litter. Use more for larger boxes and less for smaller boxes. Use every time you scoop for a refreshing scent.
2 weeks ago
1 month ago