Most Roblox fans only want the codes that come with Roblox toys. We've listened to you and created a Gift Box which ONLY contains unused codes that we've gathered from Roblox products through the years. Each code is NEW and never been used! No more loose Roblox parts or toys laying around your house, unplayed with and frequently stepped on! Gift Set of 20 Unused/Unscratched Roblox Codes that can be redeemed for an item or accessory within the Roblox game. Each box will contain at least 20 codes at random that were pulled from Roblox products. You will receive 20 codes from various products such as Celebrity, Action, Mystery, Playsets or Vault releases. Codes will be randomly inserted with a CHANCE to pull Super Rare Chaser codes, face codes and codes from early discontinued series! Please Note: There is NO Guarantee which codes you will receive as they are inserted at random from bulk and duplicates may be possible with multiple orders since the codes are unused and a mystery! *NOTE* Some codes may be slightly scratched due to the adhesive that was used to attach them to their original packages which was partially torn away when removing the code. Each code is unused and guaranteed to work.
2 months ago
3 weeks ago