ALLEGRO: Come home A fellow needs a girl The gentleman is a dope So far You are never away CAROUSEL: The carousel waltz I I loved you June is bustin' out all over Mister snow Soliloquy What's the use of wond'rin' When the children are asleep You'll never walk alone CINDERELLA: Do I love you because you are beautiful? Impossible In my own little corner A lovely night Stepsister's lament Ten minutes ago FLOWER DRUM SONG: Fan tan fanny A hundred million miracles I enjoy being a girl Love look away You are beautiful THE KING AND I: Getting to know you Hello young lovers I have dreamed I whistle a happy tune The march of the Siamese children My lord and master Shall we dance? Something wonderful We kiss in a shadow ME AND JULIET: No other love That's the way it happens OKLAHOMA!: I can't say no Kansas city Lonely room Many a new day Oh what a beautiful mornin' Oklahoma Out of my dreams People will say we're in love The surrey with the fringe on top PIPE DREAM: All at once you love her All kinds of people THE SOUND of MUSIC: Climb ev'ry mountain Do-re-mi Edelweiss The lonely goatherd Maria My favourite things Sixteen going on seventeen So long farewell The sound of music SOUTH PACIFIC: Bali ha'i Bloody mary A cock-eyed optimist Dites-moi ( tell me why ) I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair Some enchanted evening There is nothin' like a dame This nearly was mine Twin soliloquies (this is how it feels) A wonderful guy You've got to be carefully taught Younger than springtime STATE FAIR: It might as well be spring It's a grand night for singing Our state fair
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