it's SmartPremium Fabric Resistance Sculpting Bands Set of 3 Bands - Light, Medium and Heavy. Non-Slip for Glutes, Abs, Hips and Legs. Mens and Womens for Yoga, Pilates, Gym and Home.
Product ID: 638398906
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it's SmartPremium Fabric Resistance Sculpting Bands Set of 3 Bands - Light, Medium and Heavy. Non-Slip for Glutes, Abs, Hips and Legs. Mens and Womens for Yoga, Pilates, Gym and Home.
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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews
Fatima A.
Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!
3 days ago
Ayesha M.
The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.