Plan before you plant. Planning and installing Sidewalk Shield can avoid costly replacement of sidewalks, roads, driveways, septic systems, etc. Over time, tree roots can expand and crack roads, driveways and sidewalks. Tree roots can also interfere with septic lines and cause drainage issues too. Sidewalk Shield promotes downward growth to prevent the upheaval of roads and sidewalks. Tree root growth is unpredictable and generally opportunistic in growth patterns without regard for surrounding structures. Downward growth provides greater long-term health and allows for longevity of sidewalk and roads in adjacent areas. In addition, uplifted sidewalks and driveways can cause serious tripping hazards that can become liability issues, it may also block wheelchair access. Installation of Sidewalk Shield directs the tree roots in a downward fashion to protect sidewalks, roads, trees, and ultimately people. Installation: Locate and confirm the locations of all underground utility lines and structures prior to starting any excavation area. Sidewalk Shield should only be used on new or young plantings. The shield can be utilized on young plantings if it can be installed without disrupting existing root growth. There are two basic type of tree pits. Surround pits are smaller tree pits used to enclose a single tree. Linear or continuous pits are longer pits design to contain multiple trees and a larger green space. Tree pits should be as large as possible to allow for ample growing space for tree roots and continuous tree pits is advantageous whenever possible. We are proud of this product design to help people and an improvement on existing products. Please try Sidewalk Shield on your projects and experience the difference.
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